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About Kang Ning


    當今世人最普遍的溝通語言,Linqua Franca,是英語。康寧的使命是提供一個愉悅安全的環境讓孩子在歡樂中把英文學好,為他們打開通往世界的另一扇大門,讓他們得以拓展胸襟,廣納多元文化,減少人類紛爭,促進世界和平。




創辦人 溫秀春

Founder’s Words

KNES’ mission is to create a fun, safe and secure environment for children to learn English. English education will help to broaden our children’s horizons. Through exposure to other cultures, our children will become more understanding and accepting of differences, leading to less conflict and eventually world peace.


Previously, foreign language education was informal and driven by necessity.However, the children of today are taught English in classrooms devoid of context and of the real-world need. Therefore, teachers must be well-trained, passionate, and professional in order to help motivate children, and to enable them to learn in a fun and effective way.


Graduating from National Taiwan University (Foreign Language Department), I had previously taught in high schools, Junior High, and cram schools. Determined to improve my own English teaching skills, I enrolled in Columbia University Teacher’s College in New York, USA. I graduated with a Master’s degree in TESOL and then returned to Taiwan to share my new knowledge. This resulted in the creation of an English immersion environment, implementation of the latest teaching methods and materials, and an improvement in KNES’ teaching quality. This helped us to achieve our goal of enabling children to learn in a fun and effective way.


By insisting on our three core principles (Whole-English, Native English-Speakers, Character Education), KNES provides an immersion environment in which children can listen, speak and think in English. More importantly, the children are exposed to multiple foreign cultures, which when blended with traditional Chinese beliefs, helps them become a well-rounded individual.

Founder, Serena Wen


Educational Philosophy


Whole English


Creation of an English immersion environment using body language, pictures and videos, songs and other multimedia.


English Native Speakers


Use of English Native Speakers helps children learn authentic and accurate English. Essence of western culture conveyed to develop the student’s confidence and sense of sharing.


Whole Person


Besides effective English education, we also care for student's well rounded development such as character education, etiquette, and cultural aspects.


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總部地址: 新竹縣竹東鎮公園路39號

聯絡電話: 03-5943322

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